
Species Nutrition Aqualyze

What You Should Know

Aqualyze by Species Nutrition was designed to be a diuretic aimed at getting rid of excess subcutaneous water. The Problem with Aqualyze is that it contains very few ingredients, infact Aqualyze contains fewer ingredients and amounts of ingredients then any other diuretic I have reviewed. The price of Aqualyze is about as much or higher then the top rated diuretic supplements. I would not expect all that great of results with this product. Aqualyze is definitely towards that bottom of the list of diuretic supplements,if not the bottom. Lets take a look at the limited ingredients found in Aqualyze.

Aqualyze Ingredients

Vitamin B6 25mg, Potassium 99mg, Uva Ursi 200mg, Dandelion 120mg.

Cost of Aqualyze

On average Aqualyze will cost you $19.00 minus shipping.

Overall Thoughts on Aqualyze

I try not to be harsh on products but this is one product that is way overpriced for what you get. This product may be comparable to some of the lower end diuretics but at least those products are priced at $6.00 a bottle. Aqualyze contains very little to help reduce excess water. I agree that Aqualyze contains the two most important natural diuretic ingredients, but the amounts and the fact that there is nothing else in this product is sad. This product has the highest markup out of all of the diuretics that I have looked at. I wouldn’t recommend buying this product to help you lose water weight, it won’t do much and it is way overpriced.

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