
72 Hour Slimming Pill Review

Will 72 Hour Slimming Pill Slim You Down?

In answer to the question above I believe that it will. 72 Hour Slimming Pill should deffinitely slim you down with such a long list of ingredients that work toward pulling off water weight and detoxification. Even though this pill is more of a diuretic than a fat burner, it should burn some of your fat by increasing metabolism. This is a powerful diuretic that will work great for people looking to pull off some water weight before going on a trip or getting family photos. If you are the type of person that seems to get a bloated gut and puffy face then I would recommend trying this product to pull off some of that water you are retaining. This is definitely not a product that you want to take for the long term, but it is a great product for a quick way to lose some extra water weight. Lets take a look at the ingredients to see how this product works.

72 Hour Slimming Pill Ingredients

Vitamin B6, Magnesium 100mg, Potassium Citrate 100mg, Dandelion Root 1250mg, Uva Ursi 750mg, Buchu Leaves 500mg, Juniper Berry 200mg, Corn-silk 200mg, Couch Grass 100mg, Parsley 100mg, Singing Nettle 100mg, Cranberry 25:1 100mg, Cayenne Pepper 100mg, Ginger 100mg, Milk Thistle 100mg.

Cost of 72 Hour Slimming Pill

On average you can find 72 Hour Slimming Pill for around $16.00

Final Thoughts on 72 Hour Slimming Pill

This is a fairly strong diuretic slash detox supplement. You may want to start out using about half the amount of the recommended serving to see how your body reacts at first. Dont be surprised if you urinate a lot and have lose bowel movements, that is what this product is meant to do. The lasting effects of this supplement wont last forever due to the fact that it mostly pulls water off, but it will help clear out your system and pull off your extra water weight. I would say this is one of the better diuretics out there in the market today.

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