The snoring mouth guard is one of the best ways to stop snoring. It works so well for so many users, that it was important to offer some useful information for potential users. There is no doubt that anti snoring mouthguards are popular, and cheap, but is it best to buy an off the shelf model, or to get your dentist to make you a custom dental device?
Often referred to as a mandibular advancement device, these mouth guards are molded plastic devices that look somewhat like a gum shield. They are worn during the night, and reduce snoring in a number of ways. Firstly, they will often extend the lower jaw forward slightly, like one would when placing a patient into the recovery position. This alone, improves the airway, and reduces the chances of soft tissues from partially blocking the flow of air. It is when these soft tissues casue a partial blockage that air velocity increases, and the tissues vibrate, causing that well known snoring noise.
Over the counter snoring mouth guards work well, and can be purchased for a little over $20, up to $100 or more. When you get yours, you need to read the fitting instructions. They generally require submerging in near boiling water before the first fitting, to allow the plastic to become soft and pliable. You then place the mouth guard into your mouth, bite down on the plastic, and as it cools, it will set neatly to the contours of your oral cavity.
A more expensive option is the dental device that your dentist can offer you. This will require a mold of your mouth being taken, and this impression being used to manufacture a custom mouth guard that fits like a glove. These are fantastic, and should be comfortable to wear right away, but they are not cheap. A custom dental appliance could cost upwards of $300, and will need to be replaced on a fairly regular basis. If you can afford it, go for it, but the majority of snorers have great success with one of the generic models that can be bought online.
Test have shown that many snorers have really benefitted from these snoring aids. A British study of only 25 heavy snorers showed that snoring was reduced in 84% of the subjects, and 76% said they snored less times per week.
A Swiss study in 2001 found these devices to work well for sleep apnea as well as snoring. Side effects are limited to mild tooth discomfort and some mucosal dryness for a few users. But, if snoring is bothering you and your family, a snoring mouth guard could be just what you need.
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